Radiant Advisors to Present Research on IoT Adoption and Maturity at Data Summit 2017

At Data Summit 2017 in New York, John O’Brien will present primary market research on IoT market maturity conducted jointly by Radiant Advisors, DBTA, and Unisphere Research

There is plenty of buzz today about the Internet of Things. But what’s real and what’s hypothetical or just the marketing machine behind the technology’s potential?

Next week at Data Summit 2017 in New York, John O’Brien will present a session on IoT adoption and maturity. Based on primary market research conducted jointly by Radiant Advisors, DBTA, and Unisphere Research, this presentation shares results of the survey and explores key insights, including overall market maturity, key drivers and expectations, perceived technology gaps, primary challenges and success factors, and the importance of privacy and security considerations. Specifically, John will discuss respondents’ top-three business motivators, biggest challenges and the surprising leading obstacle to adoption, as well as contributing factors for these responses and the implications thereof.

John will also be moderating the Modern Data Architecture track for the summit, which includes sessions on today’s pressing data issues, strategies, technologies and approaches.

The Data Summit will take place in NYC on May 15-17, and John’s session, “The Rise of the Internet of Things,” is scheduled for Tuesday, May 16 at 10:45 am. For more information on Data Summit 2017, visit http://www.dbta.com/DataSummit/2017/default.aspx.



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